Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Merry Strawmas Again!


With the approach of snow and cold, it was time for Strawmas! Some of you might remember from last year that the dogs loved getting straw in their houses. Something about the feel, the warmth, the taste...it's magnificent. This experience was no exception.
As soon as I walked up to the yard with the straw poking everywhere, they went nuts. Of course, I started with Maverick, since he is the patriarch. He sat by his house, stamping his foot impatiently, as I arranged the straw. When I was done, I offered to give him a nice belly rub. I could see his dilemma: lay down and get pet or arrange straw. For once, he ignored my hand and went for the straw. Rolling, sniffing, and pushing commenced.
Fury was a little more nonchalant about the matter. She hasn't been sleeping in her house at all the past few months, even though she's tiny and it's a lot warmer. When I approached with the straw, she stayed in her sculpted hole without reaction until I was satisfied with the arrangement in her house. As soon as I walked away, she hopped up, dove into the straw, and stayed curled up in there for the rest of my time in the yard. She refused to come out, even for a goodbye kiss.
Alameda was her usual spazzy self. I carried the straw around in a big plastic bin, so I didn't have to worry about a huge bale. I thought it was safe to place the bin next to me while I arranged the straw, but Alameda had other plans. Right as I turned my back, she pounced on the bin of straw, knocking it everywhere. She dove headfirst into the escaped straw and starting flinging it back and forth. Alameda wasn't going to let this straw get the best of her! I just laughed and collected what I could from her attack, when all of a sudden, she attacked again! You would think I would have moved the bin out of her reach...
Spirit reacted with love instead of hate. Once I put a hand full of straw in her house, she moved right in. I tried to get her out, but she wouldn't move from her beloved house. Therefore, I had to pack the straw all around her. As I threw it in her house, she rolled and rolled, loving every moment. Eventually, she was only a face surrounded by a pile of gold.
Once again, the younger dogs, like Pismo, decided to take advantage of the fact that I was on my knees. All five of the puppies attempted to stand on my back, licking my ears, as I hurriedly tried to stuff their houses. They thought it was the best game in the world.
These are only a few of the many wonderful reactions to Strawmas. Every one's is a little different, but it is certainly a holiday for the dogs. They'll spend the next few days rearranging everything and gnawing on straw. In a few months, I'll have to add another layer, as most of the original straw will be dragged out into the snow. I don't mind though, it's worth it to see them all so happy! Plus, it's unbelievably cute to see all their heads poking out of the straw when I walk up into the yard.

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