Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Often, I have to bang out the dog's dishes in the morning to free the frozen water leftover from the day before. The dogs like to then chew on the ice or play hockey with the shards. The puppies, especially, can be spirited with tossing their ice fragments up into the air. An even greater treat is supplied when a few pieces of kibble are frozen inside. Hence, the crunch of ice between a dog's jaws is a common occurrence every morning.
Imagine my surprise then, when I noticed that the piece of ice Sculpin was cracking into this morning appeared to have a tail. In the first light of the morning, I had to get fairly close before I realized that she was chewing on a mouse-icle. She seemed rather pleased with her find; I was not. That mouse was so frozen it sounded like she was splitting apart ice. I've found dead mice in the dog yard before (why they think that they can run in between 37 dogs and live is beyond me), but this is the first frozen treat I've seen. I let Sculpin have her victory, but she's not coming near me with that tongue again...

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