Tuesday, February 21, 2012


He's playing games with my head. I just know it.
If you'll remember back a few weeks, Colfax got loose. Not only did he refuse to come when I called him after playtime, he toyed with me. He would walk right up behind me and then dart away when I pounced; he would wag his tail and go down on his front paws as if it were all a game; he would even stand at my front door staring in at me as a dare. When I finally did catch him, he got treats, canned food, and lots of hugs. I was trying to teach him that it was a good thing to be with me and to be in his area. 
Over the past few weeks, I've noticed a change in Colfax. Whereas, before the two-year-old would skip around his spot whenever I came into sight, now he lunges to get to me. He showers my face in kisses and paws at me when I'm not paying attention to him. When I leave to feed the others,he howls to the sky, begging me to come back.
At first, I was ecstatic about this change in behavior. Colfax was taking the hint from his sisters and really opening up to me. We were starting to form a great bond, hooray! Then, my mom remarked that perhaps he was just trying to trick me. Yep, that sounds more like it. This dog is smart and he knows it. He has that cocky look in his eye and I can just see him scheming away. He's just trying to blindside me, make me trust him again and then he'll strike! As soon as I let him off to play with everyone else, he'll probably start the games all over again.
The problem is, I want to trust him. I want him to play and love and have fun. I'll just have to get over my paranoia first. I'll keep watching that glint in his eyes...

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