The cat has been more evil than usual lately. I'm still not sure if the dead chipmunks and birds left on my doorway are tokens of affection or symbols of the fear I should feel toward this feline.
It'll start with the whole bird. I'll walk out the front door to almost step on the poor little blue bird. Not yet maimed, just an innocent little gift. If I'm rushing to the dog yard and don't dispose of it immediately, I'll come back with the wings strewn across the welcome mat. A little later, only the head will remain. Then just feathers.
She's taken to taunting the dogs as well. She'll saunter into view and sit; near enough that they can see her tail twitch, but far enough away that they can't get a bite in. She makes sure to circuit the yard, so every dog has a chance to grow frantic. One of these days, somebody is going to get loose and then the cat won't be so smug...

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