I have got to get internet at my place. My starbucks gift card has finally run out and now it's just a pain to drive into town for wifi. Also, I need satellite back. It's been down for about a week now, due to a puppy chewing a cord...oops. In the meantime, I've read 3 books and watched a couple movies, I guess I shouldn't complain too much.
Life is pretty much the same here. Lots of dog time, lots of work time, and hopefully some exercise in between. The puppies are getting bigger, cuter, and funnier every day. I've been given the great honor of naming the female puppy (I kept silent on the fact that I had already named them all). I don't think I want to keep calling her Athena; so I've been running through a whole bunch of different names. For instance, Maple, Noon (for Marion), Cane (dog in Latin), Poppy, Pico, Snow, etc. If anyone has any suggestions, please send them my way. I try a different name every day and I'll keep going until I find the right one!
Pismo (aka Bacchus) |
Bill leaves in a couple weeks for Alaska to start finalizing details on theIditarod. He'll go up there about 4 times before he brings the dogs up in December. There's still so much to do....like train the dogs. We're going to start training in September and I can't wait! I'm really starting to form relationships with each individual dog and it'll be exciting to get them going as a team. I'm especially looking forward to training the puppies....they're going to be little terrors.
Kiana |
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